It’s no secret that getting older certainly comes with its challenges. Our bodies change, our health changes, and for many of us, our priorities change – children grow up and leave home, completely altering what has likely been the core focus of the last twenty years of your life. But while some might despair upon entering their fifties and sixties, there are so many reasons not to – and even more reasons to do the opposite, and embrace this time. In fact, your fifties and sixties could – and should – be the best years of your life. Here are four ways to make sure that they are.
Use this time to do the things you were unable to do in your earlier years. For many, our thirties and forties are consumed with saving for a house, having children, or building our careers. When you reach this next part of your life, those pressures are likely behind you – you’ve got the house, the career, and your children are busy building their own lives. This means it is the perfect opportunity to do the things you want to do. Plan that trip to Europe you couldn’t afford. Start that hobby you couldn’t find time for. Make that career change you couldn’t risk making. With nothing holding you back, there’s no better time to pursue your desires.
Keeping your mind sharp and engaged is the best way to combat the effects of ageing. An active mind works wonders on your energy levels, your mindfulness, your mental health, and your outlook on life in general. Don’t let your mind become numb – keep it alert by challenging it on a daily basis. There are tons of way you can do this, from reading, crosswords and puzzles, to following current affairs, writing letters or even baking, which involves simple mathematics. Don’t underestimate an engaged, active mind.
Menopause is a reality of ageing. And while it may seem terrifying, there’s no need for concern. Rather than viewing this important part of your life as ‘the end’ of your youth and ‘the beginning’ of your downfall, celebrate it. Your body is an incredible thing, and this point in time simply means it is changing and adapting. It’s done the hard work of having children, and now it’s time to show it appreciation and let it thrive. Stretch marks, cellulite, grey hairs, loose skin and lines – these are all natural effects of ageing that every woman experiences. Don’t be embarrassed by them! They are a symbol of the extraordinary things your body has achieved during its life so far. Show gratitude for your body and allow yourself to age gracefully – don’t feel the need to hide your skin, dye your hair, or get plastic surgery to fit some idealised image – all that matters is how you feel inside.
As we age our true friends become clear – they are the ones who make an effort to see you even as their lives get busy, and the ones who stick by you through the trials and tribulations of your thirties and forties. Use this new period of your life to spend more time with your friends. It’s common to feel a sense of loss or uncertainty when our children leave home and all of the concrete achievements we sought in our thirties and forties have been reached. Your friends will understand exactly how you feel, so work through those feelings together. Try to catch up regularly and look into possibilities that will give your life new meaning – perhaps start exercising together, begin a shared hobby, or take a weekend away somewhere. These years are the perfect time to treasure and nourish your friendships.
Seeking direction? My Brand You Training Course will help you establish and achieve your goals and discover how to truly thrive in your fifties and sixties. It’s never too late to create positive change – see here for more information.