De-cluttering your life
The idea of living a simplified, uncluttered life with fewer ‘things’ is an attractive one. There are many benefits to owning less possessions: less to clean, less debt, less to organise, less stress, more money and energy for your passions. You’ll feel a real rush of inspiration when you clear out stuff that’s no longer useful in your life.
So, where on earth do you start? Getting organised is no easy feat. Follow my tips below to enhance your energy flow!
To-Do Lists
Create a task list on Sunday night that covers the upcoming week's goals or tasks. Even if you don't think you'll have the motivation to do a certain project, list it. Your list will keep you up to date on responsibilities and aware of your goals. As time goes on, move incomplete tasks to the top of tomorrow's list. This will guarantee that each item will be finished even if time runs out on its scheduled date. If you find that items are consistently being moved to the top of the next day's list, you may have to reduce your workload.
Clean Your Thinking Space
Take a few minutes to clean your thinking spot. If you do your best thinking in the lounge, for example, make sure the room is organised and uncluttered. A disorganised environment will create a disorganized mind; a clean environment will make for crisp and focused thinking.
If you haven’t worn it in the past year or two, recycle it for others to use. Get rid of old files that take up space and are seldom, if ever, needed. Donate unused toys, tools, books, bicycles, and dishes to a charitable organization. The less you need to protect, dust, reorganise, and move, the better you will feel.