September is here, meaning spring is upon us and summer is just around the corner. This means it’s the perfect time to overhaul your wardrobe and say goodbye to the unused, the unnecessary and the unwanted.
Tackling your wardrobe is daunting. It means putting aside at least half a day (usually more!) to delve into the depths of your closet, and it’s guaranteed to take an emotional toll. You’ll be forced to really ask yourself which items you should be keeping, and it can bring up all kinds of feelings.
But don’t worry – the positives far outweigh the negatives. Spring cleaning your wardrobe will save you time and space, allow you to realign with your personal style, and help you create a wardrobe you’ll love for years to come. There’s also the therapeutic benefit, and the added bonus of being able to help those in need through donating items to charity.
So where do you start? It’s easiest to literally create a clean slate. This means pulling everything out of your wardrobe – clothing, shoes and accessories. You will then need to go through each and every individual item, examining it closely and considering the following questions: How often do you wear it? What condition is it in? Does it fit well? Do you see yourself wearing it time and again going forward?
Here are few tell-tale signs it’s time to part with a piece:
If any of these points hit home, it’s probably time to bid farewell to those items. Try to be strict with yourself – even if it’s a gorgeous piece you love, if you realistically know the chances of you ever wearing it again are slim-to-none, there’s no reason to hold onto it. Instead, why not replace it with an item you will wear in future?
This is the beauty of a wardrobe clear-out – by removing old items, you make room for new ones. Once you’ve completed your spring clean, you can safely hit the shops and purchase a few (just a few – you don’t want to clutter the wardrobe all over again!) new garments. Make sure you look for quality, wearability (think versatile), and fit. These should be items you will return to countless times, that will still be beloved in years to come.
With your new items at home, it’s time to rearrange your wardrobe in an orderly fashion. This is a satisfying task, and will make your mornings so much easier when trying to select an outfit. Sort your clothing into categories (dresses, tops, pants, skirts, outerwear, accessories) and store accordingly. Purchase a shoe rack or use an old bookshelf or cubby holes to keep your shoes in an orderly fashion. With the space decluttered, you’ll naturally find yourself wanting to put things back in their place where they belong – and where you can find them.
Now that your wardrobe is totally revamped, try this hack to make sure you keep on top of things: Turn all of your clothes hangars backwards. As you remove items to wear, turn them so that they are front-facing. This way you can easily tell what you’re wearing, and what you’re forgetting all about.
If you could use some help or motivation revitalising your wardrobe, my Wardrobe Planning Package is a lifesaver. We will completely overhaul your existing garments in order to help you locate what you need, when you need it. A one-on-one sessions also includes a body shape evaluation and colour assessment so that we can unpack which of your current items are working for you, which aren’t, and what you’re missing. And if you’ve ever looked in your wardrobe and struggled to assemble an outfit, we will also go through styling for specific occasions, from office and everyday wear, to evening and black tie. Change the way you think about fashion forever by enrolling today!