Summer is the perfect time to hit the beach and spend time with loved ones. But I’ve found there is always time for a good book or podcast throughout the holiday period – and even a TV show if the weather packs in! Below are a few of my favourites for you to try out this summer…
The Nutrition Diva Quick and Dirty Tips:
these podcasts narrated by Monica Reinagel, a nutritionist and trained chef, will walk you through different nutrition tips and ideas. She covers topics such as how to brew a coffee that wont upset your stomach, whether timing your meals is important, and if miso can really benefit your health. She has all the answers on her podcast.
Perfect for:
people wanting to clean up their eating habits
Anna Farris is Unqualified:
hosted by actor and comedian Anna Farris, this down-to-earth podcast features a new celebrity guest each week. She covers topics of love, friendship, sex, and fame, and even has calls from listeners who she gives advice to.
Perfect for: people who love comedy and celebrities.
This American Life:
a weekly American radio podcast that focuses on non-fiction journalistic reports on different areas. Each week covers a different topic – from the strange life of a polygraph operator to how to have more meaningful connections. Within the thousands of episodes they have released already, there will surely be something for you!
Perfect for: people looking for a broad, well-polished podcast.
Jessica Biel stars in this show about a woman who stabs a stranger on the beach. The mystery of this series isn’t about whodunit
but rather a psychological whydunnit. This show is getting rave reviews – New York Magazine’s Vulture
called call it “a superbly executed series.”
Perfect for: people wanting a fresh twist on the classic murder mystery.
The Affair:
This show explores the drama and effects of affairs, but splits the episode by showing the events from the two different character’s perspective. This show won countless awards, including a Golden Globe for ‘best television series’.
Perfect for: people wanting a creative show that explores themes of truth and desire.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
Detective Jake Perolta attempts to navigate life at the 99 th
Precinct in Brooklyn. The show is quirky, lighthearted and quite frankly, hilarious. This comedy is filled with impressive supporting actors and tight scriptwriting.
Perfect for: people wanting to binge on a show.
American War:
Omar El Akkad’s has produced an impressive new must-read novel. Set in a plausible future scarred by civil strife and climate change, it delves into themes of lies, power, and moral disintegration.
Perfect for: people looking for a book they won’t be able to put down.
In Defense of Food:
This health classic by writer and journalist Michael Pollan breaks down the evolution of food production and culture. He explores the relationship between nutrition and the Western diet. This book received glowing reviews and topped the New York Times Bestseller list for 6 weeks upon release.
Perfect for:
people wanting to learn more about nutrition.
All Stories are Love Stories:
Elizabeth Percer’s novel is set in San Fransisco, in the aftermath of a severe earthquake. In the midst of the chaos, three characters come together and their lives are permanently changed as a result. This mesmerising novel about the power of nature and the resilience of human spirit is a perfect beach read.
Perfect for people: wanting to indulge in a story about the power of love.
I hope you enjoy, and have a lovely summer.