We all want to have a career that’s perfect for us, right? A career that motivates and drives, and doesn’t make you dread getting up in the morning. A career where you can use your unique skill set and feel valued. That’s the dream! Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons many people settle into a career that isn’t their first choice. There are a lot of factors that weigh into this, including financial success, job security and lifestyle choices. However, fighting for your dream career is worth it.
Do you feel dissatisfied in your job? Do you think you could do more and be more? Do you want to change your life for the better?
It’s time to get inspired and build your dream career. So – how do you begin?
What are your interests?
A great place to start is to consider your interests. It makes sense that a career based on what you do in your free time is going to be a career you love. What are your hobbies? Do you play a sport or instrument, or enjoy reading or being creative? Maybe you’re really into photography or cooking. Perhaps sewing, fashion or cars is your ‘thing’. We all have a passion of some kind – in fact, many of us have multiple passions. What started out as an offshoot of my love for fashion and well-being turned into a career as a fashion and life stylist – and I couldn’t be happier. Think about your interests and build from there.
What makes you happy?
You should also consider the things in life that make you truly happy. What brings a smile to your face or peace to your mind? Maybe being outdoors is what makes you happiest, or spending time with friends. Maybe you just love interacting with other people in general. Maybe watching Netflix puts you at ease, or playing with animals makes you really smile. Whatever makes you individually happy is bound to be a good career fit.
What are your work strengths?
Considering your skill set is important when thinking about the right career for you. We all excel at different things, and your strengths should definitely be taken into account during this career-building process. Think about the skills you bring to the table. Are you great at strategising, marketing or sales? Are your problem solving or negotiating skills top notch? Are you a whizz with technology and social media? Maybe you have envious administration capabilities, or superb self-management. Are you an organised, flexible person? Do you have awesome customer service skills? No doubt there are multiple areas that you shine in, so make a list and get thinking!
What are your interpersonal skills?
Interpersonal skills are otherwise known as people skills. These are the skills you use in everyday life when interacting with others. If you have strong interpersonal skills, you’re probably great at connecting with people – something that employers really value. It’s important to consider your interpersonal skills as you uncover your dream career. How are you at communicating and building a rapport with colleagues and clients? Do you excel at leadership or teamwork? Is your workplace attitude professional? Are you good at motivating others or resolving conflict? Do you have great listening skills? As with your work skills, make a list to see where your strengths lie. Then combine that information with your interests and happiness factors, and begin brainstorming potential jobs! Remember, it’s never too late to build your dream career and change your life.