When you think about yourself and the life you lead, are you happy? Do you view yourself in a positive light? Do you think of yourself as a good person? Are you proud of who you are and the way you treat others? This week, my blog is all about being the type of person you want to know.
Be Someone You’d be Proud to Call a Friend
Try to be the sort of person you would be thrilled to know and call a friend. Look at the special people in your life and consider what you love most about them. Do you also exhibit some of those qualities? Be someone who lifts others up, tackles challenges head-on and lives life with a positive outlook. Remember to practice what you preach. If you value friendliness and patience, enact those values. Live by your beliefs and show commitment to your passions and goals.
Be Generous
If we were all generous, the world would be a much better place. Learning to give to others is a positive trait that benefits both you and the receiver. Consume less and give more. Be generous not just in the literal, gift-giving sense, but with your time and your advice. Talk less and listen more to those around you. Show that you care by offering your support and bringing positivity into other’s lives. Generosity is beautiful thing!
Be Kind
Kindness is one of the keys to living a fulfilled life. Not everyone believes in karma, but I truly do. When you do positive things with your life, the universe sends positive things your way. Kindness is infectious and can make someone’s day just that little bit better. Plus, you can’t help but feel good when you do something nice for another person. Be selfless, not selfish. You, the world and those around you will be better for it!