If you’re a full-time worker like myself, you may struggle to find a work-life balance that keeps you motivated, positive and in love with life. We all experience days where we don’t feel like being at work, or weekends that seem to be full of activities that weren’t able to be completed during the week. While your job is undoubtedly important, so are you. I realised early on in my career that looking after myself was a priority if I was going to be happy both in and out of work. Below are a few things I always keep in mind to ensure my work-life balance is spot on!
Girlfriend Time
That’s right – spending time with your friends is so important to staying sane. I don’t know what I’d do without weekly catchups with my girls! Are you spending time with someone other than your colleagues and partner? Is it more than once a fortnight? Make sure that this friend time becomes a regular part of your life – busyness is no excuse – it’s called prioritising. Doing so allows you to get out of the workspace and working frame of mind and just enjoy yourself. Have a few laughs, share some memories and feel better for it.
Making a Mark
We generally spend around 40 hours per week working. That’s a big chunk of our lives, when you add it all up. It is crucial that you do everything possible to make your job an enjoyable experience. Don’t let it consume you, and don’t let it bore you. Have goals that you want to reach in your career so you have something to aim for and fuel you each day. Make efforts to get on with your coworkers, and decorate your workspace with photos, plants and other eye-pleasers.These simple things will make a world of difference to your role.
Care before Career
No matter how long, short, arduous or fun your job is – do not give up on your skincare routine. Make it a daily ritual so you never fall out of line. Tired, unhealthy skin is not only a blow to your self-esteem but leaves you feeling awful too. Make sure you look after your body, too. Try to limit yourself to one coffee a day and fill the gaps with water or herbal tea. Bring a healthy lunch with you and eat a good breakfast before you go. I’m a sucker for porridge and blueberries in winter, so give that a go in the coming colder months!
Exercise Rituals
Whether you work regular hours or odd ones, you must find time to exercise regularly. If you can’t fit it in every day, try doing Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then something during the weekend. I love getting out and going for a walk in the mornings, but if you’re work schedule keeps you inside during the daylight hours there’s always the gym or a home fitness DVD. Try some yoga at night to wind-down from your busy day and rejuvenate the mind.
Here’s one you might like – snacks! I think that the power of snacking is underestimated. Without sustenance, our brains struggle to maintain a high level of productivity. Small, healthy snacks between meals is a great way to fuel your mind and ward off any hunger pangs. I’m a fan of the classic celery sticks and hummus choice, but there are tons of nutritious options – fruit, wholegrain crackers, sugar free oat slice, nuts mixes and more. Definitely give this one a go!