No doubt you’ve heard me say before that my absolute motto is: when you look good, you feel great. I could not be more passionate about this concept, and I truly believe that real beauty begins on the inside. It is how you feel internally that most affects the way you appear externally. A beautiful soul can make any body outwardly beautiful, while a negative one will tarnish even the most ‘perfect’ figure. If you don’t feel beautiful all the time – or even just some of the time – then let me help you discover why you should, and how you can achieve this.
You are Unique
You are beautiful because you are original – there is no one like you in the entire universe. While many of us are similar to other people, we are never the same. This uniqueness sets us all apart. If no one was different, wouldn’t it boring meeting ‘new’ people? They wouldn’t really be new! Individualism keeps things interesting and makes our world a better place. Once we realise this, we can celebrate ourselves and live life more abundantly.
Comparisons Hurt
A helpful tip? Don’t compare yourself to others. As women we have a bad habit of doing this, whether it’s to the toned girl at the gym, your partner’s new co-worker or your fashionable flatmate. Comparing yourself to others is detrimental to your mental wellbeing. How can you feel good about yourself (and therefore look great!) when you are constantly beating yourself down because your legs aren’t as long as Blake Lively’s or your teeth aren’t as straight as that girl you met at uni? Doing this will only result in low self-esteem and even lower moods, and you will never feel truly content with yourself because there is always going to be someone out there who is ‘better’ than you at something, or has ‘better’ features than you (or so our female psyche tells us). Don’t do it!
I am Me
Instead of focusing on why others are ‘better’ than you, focus on why you are special and gorgeous. Stop worrying about what others are doing or saying or wearing, and set your mind to yourself. What makes you beautiful? Think of a favourite feature and personality trait that make you the unique individual that you are. Maybe you’re a very kind person, or extremely generous. Maybe you have fabulous curves or awesome lips. If you put your attention on yourself and view other women as equally beautiful beings, rather than competition, you will be amazed at how great you will begin to feel. As my icon Audrey Hepburn once said, “true beauty in a woman is reflected in a soul.”