Karma: it’s no myth. This I truly believe. If you focus on living a good life and being a good person, good things will come your way. Being nice to everyone, all the time, can be difficult (especially when people aren’t nice back!), but your actions do positively impact those around you and also define the type of person you are. Nobody wants to be thought of as an unfriendly or negative person – so be nice! Show that you can be positive in any situation, and rise above those who aren’t. There are many ways you can be nice in your daily life, so have a read below and give it a go – if you don’t already. You’ll be amazed at how good you feel.
Hey there, Stranger!
A simple way to show off your niceness? Say hello to people you don’t know. It doesn’t matter if it’s the guy at the local coffee shop, someone you pass out on your morning walk or a businesswoman you’re riding the elevator with – every day we see people we don’t know, and have no idea what is going on in their lives. You never know how a friendly “hi!” might impact their day. And as the saying goes, “a simple hello can lead to a million things.”
Need a Hand?
Helping people is obviously a nice thing to do, but one that is often overlooked. We’re so caught up in our busy lives that it’s easy to focus only on ourselves and our daily plans. Offering a hand to someone is a selfless act which leaves both parties feeling good. You don’t even have to go hugely out of your way to offer assistance – just holding the door for someone carrying a heavy load or helping your partner or parents cook dinner can be more than enough.
The Worker
A big area that needs improving in general is the workplace environment. We must appreciate not just the staff we work with, but those at the places we frequent. Be polite and friendly to that retail assistant, even if she isn’t – you never know what her day has been like. Thank the waiter at that restaurant you’re going to next week for their service, even if it could have been better. And of course, support your colleagues and brighten their day with a simple “how are you?”
On the Road
Road rage is a big issue in New Zealand, and one which can be improved if everyone is just a little more courteous. Yes, that car that pulled out in front of you is in the wrong, and the slow person up front is annoying – but getting frustrated about things and stressing out doesn’t help anything. You’ll simply make your own journey less pleasant. Avoid tooting your horn, cutting people off or tailgating – think about how you like to be treated, and try to act accordingly. There are always going to be rude people on the roads, but you can prevent yourself from being one of them by keeping a positive mentality.
Words Mean Everything
The easiest way to be nice? Say kind things! Compliment your friends and family; compliment the girl at the counter of your favourite clothing store. Let people know you appreciate them. If your friend’s hair looks fabulous, tell her! If your partner got a haircut, let them know they look good! If you like the outfit of the staff member at your local coffee store, say it! Small compliments and words of kindness can make someone’s day. If you’re thinking something nice, why not say it out loud?