When it comes to being happy, positivity is key. We all go through tough times, but maintaining a bright outlook on life even when things get hard is really important for your mental wellness. There are three areas of your life that I suggest focusing on and trying to improve, so that you can be happier day in and day out.
Who is in your life? Are the people around you kind, supportive and fun? Nothing can lower a person’s spirits more than negative energy brought on by nastiness or despondency. Who you let into your life is a choice that only you can make, so leave any people behind that bring you down or make you feel bad. Value those that are good in your life, the people that make you laugh and are there for you no matter what. Make time for these people, because they are the ones who are in it for the long haul. Hans F. Hansen said it right: “people inspire you, or they drain you – pick them wisely.”
Yes, money is important – we all have to live! But being content in the place you spend the most amount of time each week is even more important. No matter how good or bad your job may be, there are always ways to improve things. Set goals and targets, and work towards these. Reward yourself when you achieve them. You will feel like you are accomplishing something, and show your boss and coworkers that you are a valued employee who can benefit the business. At the same time, don’t let your job take over your life – having a balance could not be more crucial to maintaining a positive life – everyone needs some time out to de-stress and have fun.
How can your life be positive if you aren’t positive about yourself? We all have days where we feel awful, and that’s just reality, unfortunately. The important thing is to make sure you aren’t letting those days outweigh the ones where you feel great. Think of all your good qualities and embrace them – what is your favourite body feature? What is your best skill? What is you greatest attribute? Having a positive outlook on your personality, body image and lifestyle is the stepping stone to living a positive, and happier life. Remember – live the life you love, and love the life you live.