You may find yourself with a client who has never worn heels in their life, and it can seem very daunting to them! But here’s the thing, heels do not need to be high to be considered fashionable. Here is some advice from us to you, to help your clients, or even yourself!
1. Step with your heel down first, then let the sole follow quickly and smoothly.
2. Walk with your toes pointing straight ahead or as close to straight ahead as possible.
3. Swing your arms as you walk for balance.
4. Keep your legs straight, close and parallel.
5. Take smooth, even steps. Consider shortening your stride a bit.
6. Avoid walking on ice, mud, grass, sand, and gravel surfaces, where you can slip or sink. When in doubt, take off your heels and carry them across such questionable surfaces in your bare feet.
Until next week fashionistas Xx