You are the most important investment you can ever put your time into. So often we get caught up with life, children, jobs and daily tasks that we forget about taking time out and doing something for ourselves.
Today on the blog, we want to share some signs with you that show that you need to invest some time in yourself. If there’s one thing you do today that means you are taking time out from your busy schedule, it is to read this post!
If you’re always tired it might be a sign that you are not taking care of yourself. Sleep is vital to our everyday functioning.
If you are having trouble sleeping then you might need to find ways to ensure that you have a restful sleep.
Avoid watching TV or browsing the web before bed and try a calming chamomile tea or a hot bath to wind down at the end of the day.
There also might be medical reasons for fatigue, in which case we recommend you should see a medical professional.
We recommend downloading the Sleep Cycle app on your smartphone which monitors the quality and length of your sleep.
Weight gain is another sign that you might not be looking after yourself.
If you are eating the wrong things then weight gain is inevitable as you might be choosing fast food to fit in with your lifestyle.
This will eventually take its toll so it’s vital to keep a close eye on weight as it can eventually lead to health issues such as heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
We are all guilty of takeaways when we are on the go or run out of energy, but it is not a healthy lifestyle choice.
Instead, think of it as a treat. Everything in small doses!
Just as weight gain is a sign that you are not taking proper care of yourself, weight loss can signal that things are not quite right.
If you feel as though you are running on empty, it will eventually take its toll, both mentally and physically.
Ensure you are eating the right foods so that your body gets the right nutrients.
Both weight gain and weight loss can mean you are not fuelling your body with the right foods, so ensure you are eating nutritionally rich foods such as fruits, vegetables and nuts.
Feeling miserable sometimes? Don’t let the dramas of life bring you down.
Remember that when we think negatively, it is more likely to impact all areas of our lives, which turns into a downward spiral of negativity.
Find happiness in your life by exercising, meditating or simply spending time with your loved ones.
This has all been proven to impact our emotions and moods positively and give us a more positive outlook to our days.
We recommend the Headspace app which teaches you to meditate and simply take 10 minutes out of your day to unwind every day.
Our skin is a great barometer of our health and can tell us exactly what is going on inside.
If your skin is dry and grey, it might be a sign that you are not sleeping enough and not eating the right things.
If you are smoking and drinking excessively, your skin might be dry and the skin under your eyes will also give away your lifestyle.
Your face is the first thing people see so take pride in the quality of your skin. Invest in some products that you know will work for you, get plenty of sleep and drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day.
Do all of this and you will notice a significant difference in a month.
Our mouth is also able to tell us a lot about our health.
Stress and a lack of nutrients will mean that your immune system will suffer and this might lead to bleeding gums and worst case scenario, tooth loss.
Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss.
Stress, poor hygiene, nutrient deficiency and genetics can all play a part in its progression.
Look after your teeth and gums by brushing twice a day and flossing every night before bed.
Our hair can also tell us a lot about our health.
If you are not looking after yourself, your hair will give it away.
Feed your hair from the inside out by eating foods such as eggs, nuts, oily fish, walnuts and blueberries.
We also recommend treating your hair once a fortnight to a deep conditioning treatment.
You will be amazed these simple steps can have on your hair.
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These are just some of the signs that can determine how well you are looking after yourself. We know you are busy, but you can never be too busy to look after yourself.