A new year, a new you
The first day of the New Year often brings a few challenges. Some people make resolutions, some people take the time to reflect but for most of us the New Year means the promise of change. January 1st symbolizes a fresh start, if you are unhappy with an aspect in your life now is the time to make a few changes.
Some times it’s hard to keep up with the resolutions that we make, here are a few tips to making lasting changes…
Resolution: A Healthy You
This would have to be one of the most popular new years resolutions, and the resolution that for some people is often quite hard to maintain. It all comes down to this, “Do you feel healthy”.
“Be happy with what you have, while working for what you want”
There will be a few bumps in the road, but with a food journal and a great support network you will be reaching your goals in no time. A healthy new you is achievable, before you know it you will be feeling better than ever.
Every little step helps; here are a couple of tricks that will give you almost instant results.
1) Get More Sleep, your body will thank you for it. Who doesn’t want to feel more energized during the day? A good nights sleep will drastically improve your mood and will aid you on your journey to loosing weight.
2) Find a form of exercise that you love. Don’t like running? There are so many different opportunities out there for you. Why not grab a couple of friends and head down to a yoga class (There are a range of classes suited to different fitness levels). Do some research about what programs are set up at your local gym, once you find a form of exercise you love, you won’t be able to stop.
Resolution: Saving Money
If the bills have been piling up and causing you and your pockets a bit more stress than usual it’s time to cut a few corners.
1) Find Alternatives. Why not try walking, bussing or carpooling to work? Even if it’s a couple of days a week, the amount of money you save will pile up.
2) Make a grocery list. Aimless supermarket trips or shopping while hungry can often lead to poor choices for both your diet and wallet.
Resolution: A New You
Most transformations come from within, so in order to achieve the resolutions you have made you need to be sure you are prepared for change.
Are you are ready to…
1) Get rid of bad relationships
Whether it’s romantic or platonic, any friendship that makes you feel unhappy is not a real friendship. It’s time to cut a few strings and embrace new and healthier relationships. The people we surround ourselves with have a huge impact on our lives. Low self-esteem, fear of the unknown and anxiety about being alone—there are many reasons why people stay in toxic relationships.
Do not let your fears control you.
2) End the Negative Thoughts
We are our own worst critics, but too many negative thoughts will only bring you down and can sometimes act as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The first step is to change your thoughts- Instead of berating yourself learn from your mistakes. Life is short so stop sweating the small stuff.
Keeping your goal in mind
1) Make a Vision Board
One of the best ways to stay motivated is to have a Vision Board. Cut out magazine articles, pictures…anything that inspires you.
2) Get a Goal Buddy
Find someone in your life that will support you and your endeavors. Someone you can have regular talks to about your progress or lack of.
3) Buy a Journal
A journal is a great way to keep track of your progress, use it as a tool to recap accomplishments and look into improving areas that need a bit of work.
But the most important thing is to try something new. Don’t be afraid of change.
Embrace it.