Have a look through the CTV YouTube channel for more Angela Stone’s Fashion Weekly videos. Enjoy a select few favourites here.
This week Angela Stone talks Race Day fashion, and as the fashion coordinator of NZ Cup and Show Week at Addington and Riccarton Races Angela is the perfect person to get race fashion advice from!
Find out what to wear, what not to wear, and how to ensure you look fabulous all day long.
Plus fashion advice for entry into the best dressed competition. Know what are the judges are looking for!
White trousers… Are they something to wear with pride or to shy away from?
Angela is pleased to announce that white trousers are coming back into fashion but in order to look good you must abide by a few rules. Find out everything you need to know right here to ensure you look fabulous in white!
This week Angela Stone discuss a very important and intimate part of our wardrobe -our underwear!
Which styles, shapes and colours will best suit your shape or outfit?
How should a bra fit when you buy it?
What’s the best way to wash and care for your underwear?
How can you look thinner and more toned simply by buying the right product?
All these questions answered…. and more!
A scarf is a fantastic addition to lift your outfit…
With winter around the corner Angela Stone has all the information you need to make this look work for you!