Your trademark style should be fully established by the time you reach your thirties. But for those late bloomers, it’s not too late to take heart and unleash the fashionista within!
At the age of thirty, an evolved polished look should portray an awareness of how you and others see you, projecting a more confident mature self.
Most things within this decade is toned down a notch, where if you loved big graphic designs in your 20s, you can still wear the same patterns in your 30s. But instead of as a dress, try the pattern either as a top under a cardigan or in the form of your favourite pair of heels under skinny pants. If you wore preppy chic pieces in your twenties, keep it up and just add a few A-line skirts with your statement tops, along with investing in a few sensational dresses which you could spice up with your boots. Remember never button your tops to your neckline, and be sure to pick pieces that work with your body shape.
Your 30s should never rely on low cut tops and forms of fitted dresses. Instead bring out the stilettos and Audrey Hepburn dresses, wear tailored jeans and make sure your tops don’t ride up when you bend over.
Make sure you investment in at least one pair of jeans which make you feel absolutely fabulous. A good pair of jeans is a necessity to your wardrobe, preferably in a dark wash colour, which can then be worn with heels or ballerina flats taking you just about anywhere, looking really stylish. Angela recommends “ Not Your Daughter’s Jeans ” – try them, they are amazing!
Upgrade with a new hair style!
Chipped nail polish is a no go and well manicured nails are a must!
Start by trying a new beauty regime for your skin, I have some fabulous products to recommend, you can email me to find out whats the best products for you!